How to Determine the Service Life of LED Panel Lights

How to Determine the Service Life of LED Panel Lights

2022-02-26 14:15:09

The quality life of almost all lamps including LED panel lights depends on the life of the power supply.


How to determine the service life of LED panel lights?

If the power supply is not damaged, and the high-power LED panel light can output voltage and current normally, it can be used for 50,000 or 60,000 hours (calculated by 24h a day, that is, about 7 years).


The use time of LED lamp beads is generally about 40,000 hours, in the case of our reasonable design of heat dissipation. That is to say, the service life of an LED panel light can be used casually for 8-10 years.


nice LED panel light


The reason why the LED panel light is dim

When using LED panel lights, many consumers will find that it starts to darken after a period of use, or does not light up. Usually, everyone chooses to replace them, without delving into the reasons why the LED panel lights are broken so quickly. YUYAO LISHUAI, a panel light manufacturer, said that the main reason for this is that the LED panel light has a problem of light decay.


There are two major factors that affect the decline of LED panel lights:

  1. The LED chips used in LED panel lights are not in good physical condition, the brightness decays quickly, the production process has defects, and the LED chips have poor heat dissipation.


  1. LEDs are driven by constant current, embedded LED panel lights, some LEDs are driven by voltage, and the driving current is greater than the rated driving conditions. Buying LED panel lights will lead to accelerated light decay of LED panel lights.
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